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The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT)

The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) began as a grassroots student organization and has grown to encompass 18 graduate programs in the Biological Sciences Division (BSD) and Physical Sciences Division (PSD) at the University of Chicago with over 50 members and a dedicated faculty counterpart in the form of the Diversity Council. GRIT is committed to enhancing diversity, inclusion, and equity across the BSD and PSD graduate programs. GRIT focuses on three central components: recruitment, retention, and sustainability in order to increase the recruitment and retention of students from marginalized backgrounds.

Directors of Graduate Student Initiatives (DoGSIs)

The DoGSIs are chemistry graduate students, elected by their peers, who serve to promote a healthy and cohesive departmental culture. They plan a variety of social events (both exclusively for first years and for the entire department), coordinate departmental town halls, organize student-invited lectures, and manage a first-year mentorship program. This program, the Bad Good Influences, serves to pair every incoming graduate student with a senior graduate student mentor. This program, which continues for the entire first year, aims to smoothly integrate new students with the department at large, providing a resource to new students as they navigate the academic/research responsibilities and social opportunities of graduate school. Many new students find that their Bad Good Influence becomes one of their closest friends outside of their cohort!

Student Ombudspersons 

As the Student Ombudspersons, they have completed the Center for Conflict Resolution’s (CCR) 40–hour Mediation Skills Training and gained additional experience in creative problem solving, interest based negotiation, managing emotionally charged situations, and mediating multi-party disputes. Thus, they are equipped to support the Department community in whatever you might need: whether that be a sounding board, formal mediation for larger conflicts, or anything in between. They urge you to approach them even if you just want someone to talk to or are not sure where to begin.

Women in Chemistry

Women in Chemistry are a primarily graduate student-focused organization that aims to foster relationships between women in the University of Chicago’s Department of Chemistry. They aim to create a supportive environment for women in chemistry and promote women in STEM by hosting monthly social and/or professional development events, bringing in speakers, and raising awareness of diversity issues facing the scientific community. Check out their Facebook page.

Physical Sciences Division Social Committee

The PSD-SC serves to encourage a healthy work-life balance for graduate students in the Physical Sciences Division, primarily through monetary reimbursement of social, recreational, and cultural events. Completely student run, the identity of these events is up to you, with previous events including a full-day ski trip in Wisconsin, a private room at The Girl and the Goat, indoor skydiving, performances of Hamilton, and more!

Tiger Talks

Tiger Talks provides graduate students in the Department of Chemistry with the opportunity to practice the presenting of their scientific research. Also gives the audience (mostly students in chemistry) a chance to find out what kind of research is going on within the Department, as well as engage the speaker with any questions they may have on their experience or research.

Journal Club

The first-year seminar workshop is an informal general interest journal club that meets once a week to discuss papers in preparation for the Monday departmental seminars. Led by senior graduate students, the discussion is a great opportunity for first-year graduate students to talk science with their peers in a pressure-free atmosphere over lunch. Running during winter and spring quarters, the first-year seminar workshop also provides excellent preparation for qualifying exams.

oSTEM at UChicago

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at the University of Chicago (oSTEM at UChicago) seeks to provide a community and resources for LGBTQIA (queer) undergraduate and graduate students to be leaders in STEM fields. oSTEM at UChicago will provide professional networking/recruiting, social and professional LGBTQIA-oriented events, and peer mentoring resources for these students.

Society for Scientists of Color

The purpose of the Society for Scientists of Color (SSoC) at the University of Chicago shall be to promote and cultivate an environment in which students of color have the resources to succeed as scientists, as well as to provide a sense of community and belonging between Scientists of Color. The goals of SSoC shall be to promote and ensure the continued growth of accessibility and opportunity for students of color interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


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